Digital Marketing for small businesses

This blog is all about empowering you to grow your business. We focus on digital marketing for small businesses, providing tips and insights to help you succeed.

Ronen Sabag

Ronen Sabag

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illustration of digital marketing strategy
Digital Marketing

Why Every Small Business Needs a Marketing Strategy and How to Create One

Learn why a marketing strategy is crucial for your small business and discover how to create and measure one effectively.

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June 24th
illustration of small business team looking at their digital marketing data
Digital Marketing

Why Tracking Your Marketing Data Matters: A Guide for Small Business Owners

The journey from guessing what is working in your digital marketing to knowing what is working

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June 13th
navigation to business success illustration
Business Goals

Drive Your Small Business to Success with These Navigation System-Inspired Tips

Discover how to run your small business like you drive on unfamiliar roads! This post explores the similarities between car navigation systems and the processes and tools to help you reach your business goals efficiently and effectively.

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May 8th, 2023
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Business Goals

3 Tasks management tips for small businesses

How to focus on the crucial tasks? What is the optimal task length? How to keep high motivation with your task management?

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November 29th, 2022
An archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target
Business Goals

O.K.R. for small businesses

What is the O.K.R. framework? Does O.K.R. suitable for any small business? Does O.K.R. guarantee success?

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November 23rd, 2022
success tracking illustration
Business Goals

Goal tracking for online business

What business goals to track? What to do with those goals? How to track the goals of your online business?

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July 27th, 2022
ceiling glass image

How to break the ceiling glass of your online business growth

What should you check when growth is stuck? How to go back to the growth path?

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July 19th, 2022
podcast illustration
Business Goals

How to focus on monetizing your podcast

How to make money out of your podcast? How to focus on monetization?

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July 12th, 2022
the set-plan-do-measure illustration
Business Goals

How to focus on the goals of your online business

How to save time while working on your online business? How to increase your productivity while working less?

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July 12th, 2022
lighthouse in the horizon

Why do small businesses need a strategic business plan?

What is a strategic business plan? The benefits of such a plan to small businesses.

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April 6th, 2022